アリウェイ戸越 alleyway TOGOSHI



Alleyway TOGOSHI is an apartment for rent in Togoshi area of Shinagawa. Taking the urban context of the surrounding area into account, we aimed to establish a new form of apartment that has never been seen in this area before. This building is characterized by a number of elements, including alleyways pulled into the premises, the appearance as if small blocks of buildings are randomly situated, colors of external walls, window rails and eaves, and seemingly disorganized planting design. These were all inspired by rather crowded environment of Togoshi with wooden houses and apartments. Inside the building, the wavy space separated with a continuous wall also creates the crowded atmosphere that synchronizes the neighborhood, providing the residents both enclosed and open areas in complex yet heuristic context.

[新建築] 15年02月号
[LiVES] vol.79
[新建築] 15年02月号text


所在地 / 東京都品川区
規模構造 / RC造 地上4階
主要用途 / 共同住宅
敷地面積 / 296.37㎡
建築面積 / 181.89㎡
延床面積 / 624.77㎡
住戸面積 / 36.49㎡~56.60㎡
施工 / 新井建設・SAS
photo by 傍島利浩

ocation: Shinagawa-ku,Tokyo
structure: RC
site area: 296.37m2
footprint area: 181.89m2
total floor area: 624.77m2
photo : Toshihiro Sobajima